
Can You Wash Hey Dudes – Shoe Care Guide

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Hey Dude Shoes are a popular choice of footwear, but like all shoes they can get dirty and smelly. So, can you wash Hey Dudes? The answer is YES and in this blog post will show you how to clean your Hey Dudes effectively so that you’ll always be wearing a fresh pair! Cleaning and washing your Hey Dude shoes is not an easy task because of all the little nooks and crannies (and because there’s no zipper).

How to Hand Wash Hey Dude shoes?


However, if done properly, it won’t take more than 10 minutes or so. It’s a good idea to start by wiping off any dust with a dry cloth before cleaning them. For stains, use either baking soda mixed with water or dish soap mixed with water.

First, scrub the stain using one of these cleaners on its own then rinse it off with lots of cold water. Repeat if necessary. It’s best to use a clean toothbrush and a soft cloth for scratches. After rinsing them under cold water, wipe your shoes dry with a clean towel and let them air-dry overnight somewhere safe from pets and little children.

Next time you get caught in the rain or if your shoes are looking dirty, remember that you can always just wash them off! The goal is to keep your Hey Dude shoes looking good as new so they can last more years.

How to wash Hey Dudes in the washing machine?

It’s best if you use a laundry bag like this to machine wash Hey Dude shoes in the washing machine. With just a few simple steps, you can clean the Hey Dude shoes and have them ready without rewashing or damaging anything else in a load of laundry.

Washing Instructions

  1. Add liquid detergent (ideally mild detergent) to your washing machine as usual.
  2. Place feet inside of the prepared plastic bag, insert into the washer, and close front flap securely.
  3. Now put your items to wash on top of the lid/bag — don’t mix!
  4. Turn the washer onto the hottest setting with the heavy-duty cycle for at least 15 minutes.
  5. At end of the cycle wait for it to stop working (instead of starting the soap agitate setting).
  6. Open the front flap and remove the bag/feet. Scrub feet with brush or sponge if needed!
  7. Let your items air dry (this can be quicker in direct sunlight)!

Now you can use the shoes again for another season of fun. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and maintenance so that the shoes last longer.

How to Clean Hey Dude Shoes

Can you bleach Hey Dudes?

You shouldn’t do that. First, it’s not recommended to bleach anything. If you need your shoes changed, there are places that will take them in for a fee and then ship them back to you after they’re all clean and shiny (true! there’s an office supply store near me called ‘The Warehouse’ for instance).

But if your white Hey Dude shoes (or any color) have just gone a bit blank or grey from age, use water with really hot soap to rinse them up. That should be better than something that will actually give more chemicals.

Why is this? Well, chlorine cannot only deteriorate the upper area of the shoe but can also cause discoloration on those white balls inside which may affect comfort when playing tennis-ball sports; chlorine can also weaken the glue on the rubber of the sole and cause it to eventually disintegrate.

How to Clean Hey Dudes Insoles

Hey Dude shoes insoles can be taken out and soaked in a mixture of water and dish soap. Make a 1/4 cup of dish soap to 1 gallon of water, soak the soles for several hours, rinse well with cold water and allow it to dry overnight.

For stubborn stains on Hey Dudes or heavy-duty cleaning, you may also consider using rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide on Hey Dude shoe insoles before soaking them. If your shoe have been sprayed with pesticides, it is best that they are cleaned by professional shoe cleaners as these substances could damage leather when not treated correctly.”

Make sure any cleaner can fully penetrate the Hey Dudes shoes fabric and stitching areas for efficient removal of dirt–it might take some scrubbing at awkward angles. Lift any soiled areas out of the water and then rinse them again. Air-dry your insoles in a warm, well-ventilated place. It might also be beneficial to deodorize Hey Dude shoes once dry.

Wrap UpCan You Wash Hey Dudes: Yes, Yes, Yes

Hey Dude shoe insoles are an excellent product that can help keep your feet dry and comfortable. The insole’s antimicrobial coating is designed to prevent the growth of odor-causing bacteria so you don’t have to worry about bad smells from perspiration or fungus. To maintain this great Hey Dudes shoes feature, we recommend cleaning them with dish soap, baking soda, and water once a week for best results!

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