
How To Wash Your Rothy Shoes – All the Methods You Need in 2023

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Most people who love Rothy’s shoes know that one of the most important things to do is make sure they are clean. Do you have a pair of Rothy’s shoes and don’t know how to wash them? There are many ways to go about cleaning them, but what works best for you?

clean rothy's

This blog post will guide you through some of the different methods and steps involved in properly washing your Rothy’s shoes to get the best results and remove stains. You’ll find out how to get started and what products work best depending on which type of shoe you have. Get ready to give your existing Rothy’s or next purchase a clean!

Can You Put Rothy’s Shoes in the Washing Machine?

Yes, it is safe to put Rothy’s in the washing machine on a delicate cycle to keep them looking new and to get your shoes clean (they are machine washable). You will need to spot clean any dirt and then use a wet towel on the shoe before machine washing them on a delicate cycle and on lower temperatures in your appliance. Here are a few tips:

Can You Put Rothy’s in the Washer?

To manually scrub the shoes with a wet cloth or sponge using mild soap; rinse well under running cold water -If there’s residue from sweat or another substance, use cold water and a gentle laundry detergent that you can buy at most big box stores.

Wrap your shoes in a soft towel after you hand-washed them with warm soapy water, this will allow you to dry off without touching so inner material of tender washable fabric uppers.

Related: Rothy’s Sizing : Are Rothy’s True To Size?

Can You Put Rothy’s Flats in the Washing Machine?

It is recommended that you air dry your Rothy’s after each use.

However, if for some reason you need to go down the machine washing route , please remove the footbeds from the soles before cleaning your shoes in the washing machine on a gentle cycle (not a heavy duty cycle obviously).

If they get damaged in the washer or spinning machine of a dryer they cannot be replaced and will result in a ruined shoe forever.

So my opinion is just don’t do machine washing at all if you can avoid it! Keeping these little strips attached to your shoes when drying is so worth it!

How To Wash Rothy's

How Long Do Rothy’s Shoes Take to Dry?

Yes. If your shoes are just wet and not sopping wet, you can use a fan or blow dryer to dry them out. This will take a few hours if not less time than that.

If the shoes are soaked through with cold water to the inside and there are water droplets on the inside of the shoe near to where your foot would be positioned then you cannot use any kind of heat source because it’ll damage both the material and insulation in one fell swoop. It is best to let them sit and dry.

Drying Tip

In this case, pat dry with a few paper towels before placing near a heater- allowing for about 12 hrs. of air drying time should do it.

Time for each shoe will vary with design: Simple, closed-toe styles will generally dry within 12 hours.

How Do I Hand Wash My White Rothy’s Shoes?

It sounds like you’re looking for ideas on how to clean white shoes.

Though there are many methods, I recommend placing a paper towel soaked in apple cider vinegar inside the shoe. Gently rub into any stains and let sit overnight before scrubbing out the wet spots. Cleaning shoes in this way will not damage them since they can easily be scrubbed off with a brush or sponge without ruining their shape.

Simply repeat these steps until the spot disappears, then rinse and air-dry your shoes before wearing them again.

How Do You Hand Wash Rothy’s Lace-up?

  1. Put on a shoe to keep it from falling over.
  2. Pour soapy water over the dirtiest sections of the laces.
  3. Rub with a scouring pad, rinse and repeat.
  4. Let them air dry for 24 hours before wearing.

Do Rothy’s Shoes Get Smelly?

Rothy’s shoes can become smelly shoes if you’re not conditioning them. If your Rothy’s start to collect dust and dirt, they’ll need a good scrubbing eliminating odors before smelling fresh again.

Do Rothy's Get Smelly?

Smelly feet are the result of bacteria that live in a moist environment and, when fed by sweat from feet, will release an unpleasant odor. Since our Midsoles don’t absorb any sweat or odor (with the exception of special new materials), it is difficult for these bacteria to find shelter inside our midsoles which greatly reduces the risk of foot odors.

That being said, we recommend conditioning fabrics with our AntiBacterial Fabric Treatment on a monthly basis and using this regular washing to get rid of any potential build-up or odor molecules that may accumulate over time.

Do Rothy’s Shoes Shrink When Washed?

Yes. This is why we recommend drying them out after washing, and machine dry or using the low heat setting on your clothes dryer.

Washer and Dryer

Yes, they shrink — this is because washing a shoe goes against its normal “wearing” process. In fact, when you take rain boots out of the rain before they’ve had time to dry completely in order to avoid getting your socks wet from stepping into puddles, it’s called shrinking your boots.

But don’t despair! The good news is that Rothy’s shoes also stretch so far that they’ll easily return to their original size soon after you start wearing them again.

Related: Shoes Like Rothy’s : Top 11 Alternatives To Knock Off Originals

Take A Look: Do Hey Dude Shoes Run Big or Small

How Do You Hand Wash Rothy’s Shoes

To hand was Rothy’s shoes require a slight brush on the upper to remove dirt or debris.

Use lukewarm water (not hot water) and avoid soap because it can attract stains and irritate the uppers, even though a light application may be okay in some cases.

Rinse shoes thoroughly with lukewarm water (again not hot water) until all suds are gone, use a towel to absorb excess moisture.

Gently pat dry both the shoes with a few towels and allow to air dry.

Store away from direct sunlight in an enclosed yet well-ventilated space that maximizes airflow so as not to trap heat that will accelerate drying time. Make sure there is plenty of space between pairs of shoe trees. So they don’t touch each other, risking contact transfer easily causes smudging.

How Do You Wash Merino Rothy’s?

Thank you for your question. To wash merino Rothy’s shoes, we recommend handwashing them in cold water with Woolite or Ivory dishwashing liquid and air drying on one of our shoe trees for maximum comfort.

How Do You Wash Rothy’s Flip-Flops?

There are a few different ways to wash your Rothy’s flip flops so they last as long as possible and keep smelling fresh. The most popular technique is to machine wash them in cold water with a mild detergent for laundry use in the washing machine (or by hand if you prefer).

To do this, fill the machine or basin with warm water (as before not hot water), add one tablespoon of mild detergent, and submerge your flip flops into the soapy water for 5 minutes.

Submerging them for this amount of time will remove dirt that has built up from everyday wear-and-tear. Then wait another 5 minutes before removing and rinse them thoroughly by shaking off any excess liquid then lying flat on a waterproof surface to dry.


This blog post has provided you with a variety of methods to keep your Rothy’s shoes looking new and fresh. From the best way to clean them, how often they should be cleaned, or even what materials are used in their construction, there is something for everyone!

How To Wash Rothy's - Rothy's Website

If you want an easier life when it comes to caring for your Rothy’s footwear make sure that you take advantage of these tips. We hope this article was helpful and informative. Thank you so much for reading our blog today!

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